Check if you are really tha good as you think ?

Articles and nouns (53)

Fill the gaps with most appropriate word/phrase.

Suddenly, the next meeting has been cancelled.

Are you still reading newspaper?

I've got holiday starting at the begining of next week.

Marion lives near the park - it's only about five walk.

Marion went to sleep at 5 o'clock this morning and woke up an hour later. After that he couldn't sleep. So last night he only had one sleep.

Metallurgy is the main industry in the country. The main industry is metallurgy.

Exports from Japan to the United States has fallen recently. exports to the U.S. have fallen recently.

Could you please tell me where is ?

I'm going on holiday on the 10th. I have to be back at work on the 19th. So I've got nine holiday.

What colour are ?